Video and audio tapes on Zoroastrianism
- Ancient Whispers (Nedaaye Neeyaakaan)
CD has 3 songs on it -- The Way of Zartosht / Jashn-e Mihragan / Jashn-e Sadeh.
Lyrics: Khodadad Kaviani; Vocals: Nooshafarin and Khodadad Kaviani.
this cultural CD comes with a booklet explaining all the words and meanings
expressed in the songs. It is designed to celebrate our heritage and educate
the listener about Zoroastrianism.
Cost: $10 plus $2 for shipping (in the US)
Send check to:
Khodadad Kaviani
P.O. Box 24435,
Federal Way, WA 98093-1435
- O'Shihan produced several interesting audio CDs,
and there is a new one (Avestan recitations with English translation) coming out soon.
- PARADISE Shahriar Shahriari and Shervin Shahriari
have created this video tape under the sponsorship of
FEZANA. Price $15.00 US or $20.00 Cdn
More details at
- Videos of AZARGAAN and ARDIBEHESHTGAAN festivals
Videos of Azargaan and Ardibeheshtgaan festivals are ready and can be
obtained from the California Zoroastrian Center for a total cost of $15.00
Each video is a complete capture of the festival with all the seminars
lectures, questions and answers, music, dances, ceremonies, etc.
Please send your check to the following address. The video tape will be
sent to you the next day.
California Zoroastrian Center
8952 Hazard Ave
Westminster, CA 92683
- GATHAS, read by Dr. Kersey Antia. Available from
Zoroastrian Associan of Metropolitan Chicago. (In Avestan language)
- Gathas, produced by CIMNA,
recited by Mehraban Firouzgary. English and Persian translations and
pronunciation guide published in accompanying volume.
- K. D. Irani, THE VOICE OF ZARATHUSTRA, Professor
Irani explains how the Gathas constitute a well-formed theology
of the monotheistic view of Zarathustra. This video was filmed
in Iran and in an Iranian Fire Temple when the Gathas were being
recited. English translations of the Gathas are given on the screen
(40 min.) $29.95 + $4.50 shipping. Audio-Forum, Suite RE 10, 96
Broad Street, Guilford, CT 06437-2635, (203)453-9794, FAX: (203)453-9774.
Order: 1-800-243-1234 (VIDEO TAPE)
- Zoroastrian prayers
and My Navjote Prayers

Ervad Jimmy and Amy Makujina present Two CDs
Zoroastrian prayers
(selected paragraphs with simple explanations)
My Navjote Prayers
(with simple explanations)
Foreward by K.D. Irani, Prof. of Philosophy, City College, New York
Suggested donations: US$10 per CD +S&H.
Please make checks payable to "ZANC". Total proceeds will go
towards the upkeep of Arbab Guiv Dar-e-Meher, San Jose, CA. Please contact:
Ervad Jimmy and Amy Makujina
5901 Marshwell Way, San Jose, CA 95138-1839
Tel: (408)365-0119, Email:
The Afrinagan is one of the most commonly repeated public ceremonies
of the Zoroastrian community. It is a beautiful service of "blessings,"
involving offerings of flowers, fruits, wine, and milk. 17 min,
$24.00 plus shipping. Order from: CSU
The Yasna is the most important daily ritual conducted within
the holy precincts of a Zoroastrian fire temple. Much of it dates
to Indo-European antiquity and includes the consecration of sacramental
food and drink. 31 min, $29.00 plus shipping. Order from: CSU
This tape combines the two Zoroastrian rituals, the Yasna and
the Afrinagan, within one program. Both ceremonies were recorded
under studio conditions; this is the first video documentation
of these rituals. 49 min, $24.00 plus shipping. Order from: CSU
In 1987 Dastur Firoze Kotwal, a Zoroastrian high priest from Bombay,
India, was in residence for a seminar at Colorado State University.
In this video, recorded in the University studios, religious students
interview Dastur Kotwal about the beliefs and practices of Zoroastrians.
48 min, $29.00 plus shipping. Order from: CSU
Tapes from Marzban J. Giara
Dhunmai Building,
667, Lady Jehangir Road,
Dadar, Bombay 400 014.
Tel.: 412 03 71
Audio cassettes of Zoroastrian prayers, religious discourses,
and music. US $ 5.00 each, plus postage
Now, you and your family can listen to these audio-cassettes
leisurely in the comfort of your own home OR gift them to a
friend, a school, a library so that more and more people can
share and benefit from the knowledge.
Given below is a list of nearly one hundred cassettes.
You have the choice. Select the talks
by some of the finest scholars of Zoroastrianism who
dedicated their lives in spreading knowledge
and in the service of the community.
- Zoroastrian Daily Prayers (a set of two tapes)
by Ervad Dr. Peshotan F. Peer
- Zoroastrian Prayers and Meanongs
by Ervad Dr. Ramiyar P. Karanjia.
- It's Navjote Time songs and prayers (set of 2
cassettes) by Zoroastrian Studies
- Muktad Prayers
- Behram Yasht and Hormazd Yasht
- Jashan Prayers
- Zoroastrian Melodies - songs in praise of Ahura
Mazda and Zarathushtra
- Devotional songs
- Songs for festive occasions
- I'm proud to be a Zoroastrian (Children's songs
in English)
3. RELIGIOUS DISCOURSES (E=English, G=Gujarati)
A. By the late Ervad Dr. Minochehr Dadabhai Karkhanawalla
(scientist and religious scholar)
- Zoroastrianism and modern youth (E)
- The excellence of Zoroastrianism in the light of
modern science (E)
- The significance of sudreh and kushti (E)
- Dokhmenashini - the Zoroastrian method of disposal
of the dead (E)
- The importance of science in the study of Zend
Avesta (E)
- Bahman Ameshaspand (G)
- Homage unto Zarathustra (G)
- Bandagi - the meaning of true prayer (G)
- The concept of God in the Gathas and other ideas (G)
- Date and teachings of the prophet (E)
- Zoroastrianism as seen from the scientific point
of view (G)
B. By the late Dasturji Navruz D. Minochehrhomji,
M.A., B.Ed., High Priest, Fasli Atashkadeh
- An introduction to Zoroastrianism (E)
- The relevance of Zoroastrianism in the modern world (E)
- Is Zoroastrianism in conflict with modern
science? (E)
- Ten points to determine the validity and
strength of a religion - the concept of
God - idea of duality (E)
- Sudreh - Kushti (E)
- The confession of faith (E)
- Festivals (E)
- The Gahambars (E)
- The significance of thirty days of each
month in the Zoroastrian calendar (E)
- Asha (E)
- Scheme of Hamkars (G)
- Ahunavairya (E)
- Kem-na Mazda (G)
- Mah Bokhtar Niyaesh (G)
- Avan Niyayesh (E)
- Atash Niyaesh - Part I (E)
- Atash Niyaesh - Part II (E)
- Hormazd Yasht - Part I (E)
- Hormazd Yasht - Part II (E)
- Ardibehesht Yasht (E)
- Haptan Yasht - Karda 1 (E)
- Haptan Yasht - Karda 2 (E)
- Haptan Yasht - Karda 3 (E)
- Farvardin Yasht (E)
- The philosophy of Yasna (G)
- Afrinagan ceremony - Part I (E)
- Afrinagan ceremony - Part II (E)
- Man, Soul and his condition (E)
- Myth, Legend of wives of Zarathushtra (E)
C. By the late Dasturji Kaikhushru M. Kutar, M. A.
- A true religious life (Khari dharmik jindagi) (G)
- Message of Asho Zarathushtra (Asho Zarathushtrano
paigam) (G)
- The importance of religion in life (Jivanmaan
dharmanu mahatva) (G)
By late Dasturji Khurshed S. Dabu, M.A.,
FTS (former high priest, Wadiaji Atashbehram)
(1 and 2 in English, rest in Gujarati)
- Fundamentals of Zoroastrianism
- Religion in daily life.
- What is happiness?
- The rationale of fire worship
- Bahman Ameshaspand
- Our religious scriptures
- What is wealth?
- Prophet Zarathushtra and his status
- Guidance to the community
- Our ancient characteristics
- Science and religion
- Youths
- Important ideas of Zoroastrianism
- Bandagi
- Questions and answers
- Ashem, Yatha, Yenghe Hatam
- The Zoroastrian confession of faith
(Deennu Ekrarnamu)
- Atash Niyaesh - a commentary
- The Yasna ceremony
- The Gathas
- The Nirangdin ceremony
- The purpose of ceremonies
- The purpose of life and death
- Fravashi
- Atmani diksha
- Kriya Marg
- Lessons from ashirwad [asirvad] ceremony
- The religious aspects of marriage sacrament
- Five gahs in the evolution of man
- The sevenfold constitution of man
- Self-Discipline
- Man's noble destiny
- Reincarnation
- The changing world
- Atashna kebla najdik upajta vicharo
- Bhaktimarg - path of devotion
- Why ten days of muktad w.r.t. scriptures?
E. By late Dr. B.S. Surti
- Shah Namah and Firdaosi (E)