Translated by L. Mills (From Sacred Books of the East, American Edition, 1898.)

As the Ahu is (revered and) to be chosen, so (is) the Ratu (one who rules) from the Righteous Order, a creator of mental goodness, and of life's actions done for Ahura, and the Kingdom (is) to Mazda, which to the poor may offer a nurturer.
I confess myself a Mazda-worshipper - for the praise of Ahura Mazda, the resplendent, the glorious, and of the Bountiful Immortals, for the bountiful and holy Gathas which rule in the ritual order. (Propitiation and praise be) to the Gatha Ahunavaiti, and to the Gatha Ushtavaiti, to the Gatha Spenta-mainyu, and to the Gatha Vohu-khshathra, and to the Gatha Vahishtoishti. 2. Propitiation to the Fravashis of the saints, the mighty, overwhelming, even to those of the saints of yore, who held the primeval faith (the Gathic faith), and to those of the next of kin.
We sacrifice to Ahura Mazda, the resplendent, the glorious; and we sacrifice to the Amesha Spenta who rule aright, and who dispose (of all aright). And we sacrifice to the bounteous and holy Gathas, which rule (as the first) in the ritual order.
We sacrifice to the Gatha Ahunavaiti, the holy, as it rules in the ritual order; and we sacrifice to the Gatha Ushtavaiti, the holy, as it rules in the ritual order; and we sacrifice to the Gatha Spenta-mainyu, the holy, as it rules in the ritual order; and we sacrifice to the Gatha Vohu-khshathra, the holy, as it rules in the ritual order; and we sacrifice to the Gatha Vahishtoishti, the holy, as it rules in the ritual order.

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