Book and articles by Dr. Kersey Antia
A true Scholar of Zoroastrianism, Dr. Kersey Antia is the Zoroastrian High Priest of Chicago, Illinois, a position he has held since 1977.
He attended the M.F. Cama Athornan Institute in Bombay for 9 years where he received an award for excellence, and became an ordained priest at the age of 13.
He studied Avesta and Pahlavi in secondary school and at the University of Bombay . While in college, he received essay-awards from the K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, and has served the community as a volunteer priest ever since his first job as a Tata officer in 1960.
(Source: http://www.vohuman.org/Author/Antia,Kersey.htm )
Zoroastrianism and Islam
Zoroastrianism and Christianity
Zoroastrianism and Judaism
Parsis and the British
Other articles:
- Zoroastrianism and Women's Issues (with Dilshad Antia).
- Health and healing in the religion of Zarathushtra.
- Dealing with loss in Zoroastrianism —
A conversation between Dr. Lucinda and Dr. Kersey Antia, 2006.
- We are Ancient Zoroastrians.
- A brief Exposition of Spirituality in Zoroastrianism.
- Humanitarianism as the Cornerstone of Zoroastrianism.
- Fire and Fire-temples in Zoroastrianism Through the Ages. (2018, used with permission).
- Dasturji Khurshed Shapurji Dabu (April 20.1889 - October 30,1979) - A Life Sketch & Reminiscences.
- A Brief Biographical Sketch of Dastur Bode.
- God’s Good Rule, Vohu Kshathra. (To be Chosen by Man).
Originally published in An Introduction to the Gathas of Zarathushtra, No. 5,
edited by Dina G. McIntyre. Pittsburgh: February, 1990. Copyright © 1990 by Kersey Antia, used with permission.
- Gathic Thought East of Persia — A Quest Long Overdue.
- The Omnipotence of Ahura Mazda, as depicted in the Gathas.
- Romano Persian Rivalry for the East-West Trade:
Trade relations between Iran and India from prehistoric times as a contributing factor to the
Parsi pilgrims settling in India.
- Sensible solutions for surviving transformation in Zoroastrianism by adhering to the basic precepts of the Prophet.
- Fundamentals of Zoroastrianism.
- Zoroastrian Elements in the Syncretism that Prevailed in Asia Minor Following the Achaemenian Conquests.
- Acculturation of Zoroastrian ritual heritage.
- Introduction to the Gathas — Good and Evil (with Ali A. Jafarey).
- Dr. Kersey Antia’s presentation at the 50th Anniversary celebration in San Francisco on June 20, 1995.
- God's expression of love for man (1998).
- Enigmatic Response of Three Dasturjis to the United Zarthoshti Calendar.
- The Importance of Making the Right Choice in the Gathas.
- The Need for a Generally Accepted Definition of Zoroastrianism and for a Permanent Religious Body to Resolve Religious Issues.
- Philosophical Justification of the Concept of Free Will as Taught by Zarathushtra.
- Zarathushti view of death and the afterlife.
- Some stray observations about the Parsi (Zoroastrian) settlers in North America.
- The State and the Individual.
- Evidence of Zoroastrian Presence in Iran Long After Arab Invasion. (2018)
- "Life" After Life According to Zarathushtra. (2018)
- Did Persian rule lead to the emphasis on action by humans rather than on the Lord for happiness on Earth?. (2018)
- Abu Muslim (2018)
- Iranian resistance to the Arab rule (2018)
- Additional notes based on Zoroastrian rebellions in Abbasid period (2018)
- Factors leading to the fall of the Sasanian army (2018)
- Orality in Zoroastrianism (2018)
- Shu'ubia Movement as a Defense Against Islam (2018)
- Did the Conquered Ultimately Absorb and Conquer the Arab Conquerors? (2018)
- Were the Achaemenians Zoroastrian? (2018)
- Alarming trends in the Gathic studies of late (2019)
- True facts about Parsis' migration to India (2109)
- Status of Ahriman in the Pahlavi dualism (2019)
- Recent reappraisals of the Greek accounts of Persia (2019)
- Alexander in Iran (2019)
- Khaetvadatha marriage in Iran (2019)
- Was early Zoroastrianism a scriptural religion? (2019)
- Monotheism or dualism? (2019)
- More observations on the real character of Zoroastrian dualism (2019)
- Farohar or Khvarenah on the Winged Figure? (2019)
- Skjaervo’s doubts about Zarathushtra on academic grounds (2020)
- John Hinnells’ Views Contradicting Luhrman’s (2019)
- Torries Versus Parsis (2019)
- Darmesteter on Dualism (2019)
- Spread of dualistic beliefs among the Bogomils of Eastern Europe (2019)
- Khvarenah as the only (but neglected) link with khaetvadatha (2019)
- Khaetvadatha inspired by Elamite influence (2019)
- Richard Frye’s views about Darius and Gaumata on the Bahistun inscription (2019)
- H.-P. Schmidt’s scholarly criticism of Kellens’ view (2019)
- Further evidence for the Achaemenians being Zoroastrians (2019)
- Reasons for the fall of Roman and Sasanian empires (2019)
- Minorities under non-Sasanian rulers (2019)
- Gujarat's long link with Iran (2019)
- Albert de Jong’s views on women’s status (2019)
- Free Will versus Fatalism (2020)
- Was Ferdowsi, the author of the Shah Nameh, a Zoroastrian in secret? (2020)
- J. D. Nadershah’s critique of the Kisseh-i Sanjan (2020)
- Validity of Kisseh-i Sanjan: (2020)
- Roman versus Persian attitude for territorial conquests (2020)
- Orality has its own place in ancient cultures (2020)
- Reliability of the spoken word against the written word (2020)
- Significant Parsi involvement in Indian classical music and dance (2020)
- Benefits and logic of oral tradition (2020)
- Post-Sasanian Pahlavi texts as reflecting Sasanian and Pre-Sasanian cosmological and eschatological beliefs (2020)
- Zoroastrians in China (2018, 2020)

- History of the Parsi migration to India (2020)
- Philip Pettit: A theory of freedom (2020)
- A review of what Encyclopaedia Iranica opines on Firdausi’s views on Zoroastrianism (2020)
- Logic of incest in other societies (2020)
- Rejection of alien influence on Zoroaster (2020)
- Zoroaster in Classical Western Music (2020)

- Stanley Insler’s non-ritualistic interpretation of the Gathas (2020)

- Exodus to Sanjan (2020)

Prayers and observances:
Book reviews
- Book Review.
Bruce Lincoln, Religion, Empire, and Torture: The Case of Achaemenian Persia, with a Postscript
on Abu Ghraib, 2014. (reviewed 2019)
- The Talmud in its Iranian Context, Bakhos, Carol, and M. Rahim Shayegan. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.
- Book Review. Zoroastrian Rituals in Context,
edited by Michael Stausberg, Leiden: Brill, 2004..
- The Question of Assyrian Influence — a review of
Simo Parpola: "The Originality of Teachings of Zarathustra in the light of Yasna 44" (2004).
- Book Review. The Death of Ahriman, Culture, Identity, and Theological Change
Among the Parsis of India by Susan Stiles Maneck, 1997. (This review was first published in FEZANA Journal, Summer 1998.)
- Book Review. The Parsis of India -- Preservation of Identity in Bombay City by Jess S. Palsetia, 2001.
- Book Review. Godrej – A Hundred Years, 1897-1997, by B. K. Karanjia.
(This review was first published in FEZANA Journal, Winter 1998.)
- Book Review. Conflict and Cooperation — Zoroastrian Subalterns And Muslim Elites In Medieval Iranian Society
by Jamsheed K. Choksy.
(This review was first published in FEZANA Journal, Winter 1998.)
- Book Review. THE PARSIS, Vol. III, by Delphine Menant. (This review was first published in FEZANA Journal, Fall 1997.)
- Book Review. The Iranians — Persia, Islam, and the Soul of a Nation, by Sandra Mackey (1998).
(This review was first published in FEZANA Journal, Fall 2001.)
- Book Review. A Prince without a Kingdom: The Exilarc in the Sasanian Era, by Geoffrey Herman.
- Book Review. The Zoroastrian Diaspora, by John Hinnells (2005).
- An Appraisal of Amelie Kuhrt's Attempt at Demystifying King Cyrus' Image in History.
- Book Review. The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, by Robert Eisenman & Michael Wise, Penguin Books, 1992.