AVESTA: KHORDA AVESTA (Book of Common Prayer)

PART 1: Frequently used short prayers:

Ashem Vohu (invocation of Asha)

  Avestan1 [MP3 Audio]2

ashem vohû vahishtem astî
ushtâ astî ushtâ ahmâi
hyat ashâi vahishtâi ashem.


Holiness (Asha) is the best of all good:
it is also happiness.
Happy the man who is holy with perfect holiness!


1. Based on edition of Karl F. Geldner, Avesta, the Sacred Books of the Parsis, Stuttgart, 1896.

2. Recited by Soli Dastur. Copyright 2006. Used with permission.

3. Translated by James Darmesteter (From Sacred Books of the East, American Edition, 1898., Vol 3, p 216.)

Ahunwar (most sacred manthra of Zoroastrianism)

  Avestan [MP3 Audio]4

ýathâ ahû vairyô
athâ ratush ashâtcît hacâ
vanghêush dazdâ mananghô
shyaothananãm anghêush mazdâi
xshathremcâ ahurâi â
ýim drigubyô dadat vâstârem!!


The will of the Lord is the law of righteousness.
The gifts of Vohu-mano to the deeds done in this world for Mazda.
He who relieves the poor makes Ahura king.

4. Recited by Soli Dastur. Copyright 2006. Used with permission.

5. This is the most holy prayer in the Zoroastrian religion. Translations vary widely. This translation is by James Darmesteter (From Sacred Books of the East, American Edition, 1898., Vol 3, p 100.)

Compare with the Pahlavi explanation (PRDd60, tr. AV. Williams):

The explanation of yathâ ahû vairyô: 'as is the will of the Lord' (as is the will of Ohrmazd) 'so (is) that of the ratus' (and so is that of the priest) 'through whatever righteousness' (good deeds are to be done, so in priestly fashion to be done; just as Ohrmazd (wills), one must increase (them)). 'That which the gift of Vohuman too (is) within the action of Ohrmazd' (i.e. that reward and recompense which they give to Vohuman [1] they thus give to him [i.e. Ohrmazd] also; there is one who says thus: 'Vohuman gives himself'). 'Lordship is *given to Ohrmazd by him' [2] (and he makes Ohrmazd Lord and ruler over his body), 'who gives good things to the poor' (and nurture, in that they provide assistance and intercession for them. There is one who says thus: 'Lordship is from Ohrmazd', i.e. the rulership is given him by Ohrmazd. There is one who says thus: 'The Lordship of Ohrmazd is put into practice'.)


[1] The gloss kû ân mizd ud pâdâshn ... etc., in PRDd., Pahl. Vd., and KZA appears to represent a substantial misunderstanding of the Avestan; D. compares this with the Pahl. gloss of Y31.21 and notes that neither has ô or pad before wahman (ZKA, transl., p. 3, nn.6, 7).

[2] Cf. Dk. IX.21, DkM. 934.14 f.: frâz-ish ân guft ahlaw zardusht kû-sh yazishn kard kê ân î amâ yashtan humenishnî az ish ud ên-iz kû dên pad tan mehmân â-sh wahman ud mânsar pad tan mehmân: "Righteous Zartosht proclaimed that worship was done by him from whom there is the good thinking of our worship. And this also that he in whose body Religion is lodged, then Vohuman and the sacred word [[manthra]] are lodged in his body".

Kem Na Mazda (exorcism)

  Avestan [MP3 Audio]

kêm-nâ mazdâ mavaitê pâyûm dadå hyat mâ dregvå dîdareshatâ aênanghê anyêm thwahmât âthrascâ mananghascâ ýayå shyaothanâish ashem thraoshtâ ahurâ tãm môi dãstvãm daênayâi frâvaocâ,

kê verethrem-jâ thwâ pôi sêñghâ ýôi heñtî cithrâ môi dãm ahûmbish ratûm cizhdî at hôi vohû seraoshô jañtû mananghâ mazdâ ahmâi ýahmâi vashî kahmâicît.

pâta-nô tbishyañtat pairi mazdåsca ârmaitishca speñtasca, nase daêvî druxsh nase daêvô-cithre nase daêvô-frakarshte nase daêvô-fradâiti, apa druxsh nase apa druxsh dvâra apa druxsh vînase apâxedhre apa-nasyehe mâ mereñcainîsh gaêthå astvaitîsh ashahe, nemascâ ýâ ârmaitish îzhâcâ. ashem vohû....


Kem-na Mazda (Exorcism)

What protector hast thou given unto me, O Mazda! while the hate of the wicked encompasses me? Whom but thy Atar and Vohu-mano, through whose work I keep on the world of righteousness? Reveal therefore to me thy Religion as thy rule!

Ke verethrem-ja:

Who is the victorious who will protect thy teaching? Make it clear that I am the guide for both worlds. May Sraosha come with Vohu-mano and help whomsoever thou pleasest, O Mazda!


Keep us from our hater, O Mazda and Armaiti Spenta! Perish, O fiendish Druj! Perish, O brood of the fiend! Perish, O creation of the fiend! Perish, O world of the fiend! Perish away, O Druj! Rush away, O Druj! Perish away, O Druj! Perish away to the regions of the north, never more to give unto death the living world of Righteousness!"
Homage, with which (are combined) devotion and milk offerings.

Padyab-Kusti (ablution and formula for tying the kusti)

  Avestan (and Pazand)4

0. xshnaothrâ ahurahe mazdå,
ashem vohû....

kêm-nâ mazdâ ...5

(hôrmezd i hvadâe (3)6, âharman awâdishâhã dûr awâzh dâshtâr zat shkasta bât. âharman dêwã drûzhã jâdvã darvañdã kîkã karafã sâstârã gunâhkârã âshmôgã darvañdã dushmanã faryã zat shkasta bât. dushpâdishâhã awâdishâhã bât, dushmanã stuh bât, dushmanã awâdishâhã bât.
hôrmezd i hvadâe, ezh hamâ gunâh patit pashêmãnôm, ezh haravistîn dushmat duzhûxt duzhvaresht men pa gêthî minît vaem guft vaem kard vaem jast vaem bun bût estet ezh ã gunâhihâ manishnî gaweshnî kunishnî tanî rvãnî gêthî mainyuãnî ôxe awaxsh pashêmã pa se gaweshnî pa patit hôm!)

1. xshnaothrâ ahurahe mazdå tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomi ashem,
ashem vohû....
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).
ashem vohû....

2. jasa-mê avanghe mazda (3).
mazdayasnô ahmî mazdayasnô zarathushtrish fravarânê âstûtascâ fravaretascâ, âstuyê humatem manô âstuyê hûxtem vacô âstuyê hvarshtem shyaothanem. âstuyê daênãm [vanguhîm] mâzdayasnîm fraspâyaoxedhrãm nidhâsnaithishem hvaêtvadathãm ashaonîm ýâ hâitinãmcâ bûshyeiñtinãmcâ mazishtâcâ vahishtâcâ sraêshtâcâ ýâ âhûirish zarathushtrish, ahurâi mazdâi vîspâ vohû cinahmî. aêshâ astî daênayå mâzdayasnôish âstûitish!!
ashem vohû...!!


0. With satisfaction for Ahura Mazda. Ashem Vohu....

What protector hast thou given ...

Ohrmazd is Lord! Ahriman he keeps at bay, he holds him back. May Ahriman be struck and defeated, with devs and drujs, sorcerers and sinners, kayags and karbs, tyrants, wrongdoers and heretics, sinners, enemies and witches! May they (all) be struck and defeated! May evil rulers not exist, (or) be far away! May enemies be defeated! May enemies all not exist, (or) be far away!
O Ohrmazd, Lord! I am contrite for all sins and I desist from them, from all bad thoughts, bad words and bad acts which I have thought, spoken or done in the world, or which have happened through me, or have originated with me. For those sins of thinking, speaking and acting, of body and soul, worldly or spiritual, O Ohrmazd! I am contrite, I renounce them. With three words I distance myself (from them).

1. With satisfaction for Ahura Mazda, scorn for Angra Mainyu! The true achievement of what is most wonderful, according to wish!
I praise Asha!
Ashem Vohu....
Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(2).
Ashem Vohu....

2. Come to my aid, O Mazda (3).

I profess myself a Mazda-worshipper, a Zoroastrian, having vowed it and professed it. I pledge myself to the well-thought thought, I pledge myself to the well-spoken word, I pledge myself to the well-done action.

I pledge myself to the Mazdayasnian religion, which causes the attack to be put off and weapons put down; which upholds khvaetvadatha (kin-marriage), which possesses Asha; which of all religions that exist or shall be, is the greatest, the best, and the most beautiful: Ahuric, Zoroastrian. I ascribe all good to Ahura Mazda. This is the creed of the Mazdayasnian religion.

Ashem Vohu...!!


4. For the complete ritual see the kusti ritual.

5. As above.

6. Geldner indicates that this should be repeated three times. He gives no footnotes to indicate that any of his manuscripts differ here, but most other sources omit the 3.

Baj before meals


ba nãm i ýazad i baxshâyañdeh i baxshâyashgar i meherbãn. hôrmezd i hvadâe.

(Y37:1): ithâ ât ýazamaidê ahurem mazdãm ýê gãmcâ ashemcâ dât apascâ dât urvaråscâ vanguhîsh raocåscâ dât bûmîmcâ vîspâcâ vohû.

(after meal:)

ashem vohû...(4).

ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).

ahmâi raêshca .... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd...)

atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.

ashem vohû...!!


(Paz:) In the name of God, the bestower, the giver, the benevolent! Ohrmazd is Lord!

(Av:) Thus therefore do we worship Ahura Mazda, who made the Kine (the living creation), and the (embodied) Righteousness (which is incarnate in the clean), and the waters, and the wholesome plants, the stars, and the earth, and all (existing) objects that are good.

(after meal:)

Ashem vohu...(4).

Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(2).

To him splendor...

Known as Waz Nan Xurdan, this prayer is used especially by lay persons. It was traditionally said while holding the barsom.

Baj when answering the call of nature


guneh shkaste sad hazar bad

ýathâ ahû vairyô....

(here perform the natural function)

ashem vohû...(3).

>> humatanãm hûxtanãm hvarshtanãm yadacâ anyadacâ verezyamnanãmcâ vâverezananãmcâ mahî aibî-jaretârô naênaêstârô ýathanâ vohunãm mahî. <<(2)

>> huxshathrôtemâi bât xshathrem ahmat hyat aibî dademahicâ cîshmahicâ hvãmahicâ hyat mazdâi ahurâi ashâicâ vahishtâi. <<(3)

ýathâ ahû vairyô...(4).
ashem vohû...(3).

ahunem vairîm ýazamaide, ashem vahishtem sraêshtem ameshem speñtem ýazamaide.

ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesne paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide!!


May wrong actions be done away with a hundred-thousand times.

Yatha Ahu Vairyo...

(here perform the natural function)

Ashem vohu...(3).

>>We are praisers of good thoughts, of good words, and of good actions, of those now and those hereafter [(Pazand) of those being done; and of those completed]. We implant (?) them (with our homage, and we do this) the more, and yet the more since we are (praisers) of the good (from whom they spring). (y35.2)<<(2).

>>To the best of good rulers (is) verily the Kingdom, because we render and ascribe it to Him, and make it thoroughly His own (?), to Mazda Ahura do we ascribe it, and to Righteousness the Best. (y35.5)<<(3).

Yatha ahu Vairyo...(4).
Ashem vohu...(3).

We worship the Ahunwar. We worship Best Asha, the most beautiful Amesha Spenta.

Yenghe... (Y18.9).


7. Translation from Modi RCC, p. 374. This prayer is also known as "Pishab ni Baj."

Nirang-i Abezar


>> shkasteh shekasteh shaotãn, âhreman gacaste kâr ô kêrdâr, na-rasat gacaste kâr ô kêrdâr, xareh i sî-ô-sê ameshâspeñdãn dâdâr hormazd pîrôzgar pâk. staômî ashem,
ashem vohû.... <<(3)


>> Broken, broken be Satan Ahriman. .... not reach me. May the thirty-three Ameshaspands and the creator Ormazd be victorious. I praise Asha. Ashem vohu.... <<(3)


The Gah dedications


Hawan Gah (sunrise to midday)

hâvanêe ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca
sâvanghêe vîsyâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâicâ frasastayaêca.

Rapithwin Gah (midday to mid-afternoon)

rapithwinâi ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca,
frâdat-fshave zañtumâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâicâ frasastayaêca.

Uzerin Gah (mid-afternoon to sunset)

uzayeirinâi ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca,
frâdat-vîrâi dâh'yumâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâicâ frasastayaêca.

Aiwisruthrem Gah (sunset to midnight)

aiwisrûthrimâi aibigayâi ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca,
frâdat-vîspãm-hujyâitêe zarathushtrôtemâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâicâ frasastayaêca.

Ushahin Gah (midnight to dawn)

ushahinâi ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca,
berejyâi nmânyâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâicâ frasastayaêca.


(Hawan Gah)

To Hawan, Ashavan, the master of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise. To Savanghi and Visya, Ashavan, the master(s) of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise.

(Rapithwin Gah)

To Rapithwin, Ashavan, the master of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise. To Fradat-Fshu and Zangtuma, Ashavan, the master(s) of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise.

(Uzerin Gah)

To Uzerin, Ashavan, the master of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise. To Fradat-Vira and Dakhyuma, Ashavan, the master(s) of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise.

(Aiwisruthrem Gah)

To Aiwisruthrem that furthers life, Ashavan, the master of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise. To Fradat-vispam-hujyaiti and Zarathushtrotema, Ashavan, the master(s) of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise.

(Ushahin Gah)

To Ushahin that furthers life, Ashavan, the master of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise. To Berejya and Nmanya, Ashavan, the master(s) of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise.


8. These five dedications are not recited independently. Depending on the time of day, one of the five is recited where indicated in other prayers.

Srosh Baj

  Avestan (and Pazand)

0. (pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, srôsh i ashô i tagî i tan farmãn i shkaft zîn i zîn awazâr i sâlâr i dãmã i hôrmezd bê rasât. ezh hamâ gunâh patit pashêmãnôm, ezh haravistîn dushmat duzhûxt duzhvaresht men pa gêthî minît vaem guft vaem kard vaem jast vaem bun bût estet ezh ã gunâhihâ manishnî gaweshnî kunishnî tanî rvãnî gêthî mainyuãnî ôxe awaxsh pashêmã pa se gaweshnî pa patit hôm!)

1. ýathâ ahû vairyô...(5).
ashem vohû...(3).
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô

(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)

sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanumãthrahe darshi draosh âhûiryehe
xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca.
ýathâ ahû vairyô, zaotâ frâ mê mrûtê
athâ ratush ashâtcît haca, frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû.

2. sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat-gaêthem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, ahunem vairîm tanûm pâiti,
ýathâ ahû vairyô....
kêm-nâ mazdâ mavaitê pâyûm dadå hyat mâ dregvå dîdareshatâ aênanghê anyêm thwahmât âthrascâ mananghascâ ýayå shyaothanâish ashem thraoshtâ ahurâ tãm môi dãstvãm daênayâi frâvaocâ,
kê verethrem-jâ thwâ pôi sêñghâ ýôi heñtî cithrâ môi dãm ahûmbish ratûm cizhdî at hôi vohû seraoshô jañtû mananghâ mazdâ ahmâi ýahmâi vashî kahmâicît.

3. pâta-nô tbishyañtat pairi mazdåsca ârmaitishca speñtasca, nase daêvî druxsh nase daêvô-cithre nase daêvô-frakarshte nase daêvô-fradâiti, apa druxsh nase apa druxsh dvâra apa druxsh vînase apâxedhre apa-nasyehe mâ mereñcainîsh gaêthå astvaitîsh ashahe, nemascâ ýâ ârmaitish îzhâcâ.
ashem vohû....
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).

4. ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanumãthrahe darshi draosh âhûiryehe.
ashem vohû....


0. In the name of God , May the bounteous miraculous power and glory of Ohrmazd the lord increase. May it (i.e. the prayer) reach Srosh, the righteous, the vigorous, whose body is the command, having a hard weapon, powerful of weapon, the lord of the creations of Ohrmazd. I am contrite for all sins and I desist from them, from all bad thoughts, bad words and bad acts which I have thought, spoken or done in the world, or which have happened through me, or have originated with me. For those sins of thinking, speaking and acting, of body and soul, worldly or spiritual, o Ohrmazd! I am contrite, I renounce them. With three words I distance myself (from them).

1. Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(5).
Ashem Vohu...(3).
I profess myself a Mazda-worshipper, a follower of Zarathushtra, opposing the Daevas, accepting the Ahuric doctrine.

(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)

With propitiation of Sraosha, companion of Ashi , the brave, who has the Manthra for body, with bold club, the ahurian, for worship, adoration, propitiation, and praise.
'Yatha Ahu Vairyo', the zaotar should say to me
'Atha ratush ashatchit hacha', the Asha-sanctified knowing one should say.

2. We worship Sraosha, companion of Ashi, fair of form, victorious, world-promoting, the Ashavan, master of Asha . The Ahuna Vairya prayer protects the body.
Yatha Ahu Vairyo....
What protector hast thou given unto me, O Mazda! while the hate of the wicked encompasses me? Whom but thy Atar and Vohu-mano, through whose work I keep on the world of righteousness? Reveal therefore to me thy Religion as thy rule!
Who is the victorious who will protect thy teaching? Make it clear that I am the guide for both worlds. May Sraosha come with Vohu-mano and help whomsoever thou pleasest, O Mazda!
Keep us from our hater, O Mazda and Armaiti Spenta!
Perish, O fiendish Druj! Perish, O brood of the fiend! Perish, O creation of the fiend! Perish, O world of the fiend! Perish away, O Druj! Rush away, O Druj! Perish away, O Druj! Perish away to the regions of the north, never more to give unto death the living world of Righteousness! Homage, with which (are combined) devotion and milk offerings.
Ashem Vohu....
Yatha Ahu Vairyo....(2)

4. I desire worship and adoration and strength and force for Sraosha, companion of Ashi, the brave, who has the Manthra for body, with bold club, the ahurian.
Ashem Vohu....


9. English translation not found in SBE.

5. ahmâi raêshca hvarenasca ahmâi tanvô drvatâtem ahmâi tanvô vazdvare ahmâi tanvô verethrem ahmâi îshtîm pourush-hvâthrãm ahmâi âsnãmcit frazañtîm ahmâi darekhãm darekhô-jîtîm ahmâi vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem, atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.
ashem vohû....
hazangrem baêshazanãm baêvare baêshazanãm (3).

ashem vohû....*

jasa-mê avanghe mazda (3).

amahe hutâshtahe huraodhahe verethrakhnahe ahuradhâtahe vanaiñtyåsca uparatâtô, râmanasca hvâstrahe vayaosh uparô-kairyehe taradhâtô anyâish dâmãn. aêtat tê vayô ýat tê asti speñtô-mainyaom.* thwâshahe hvadhâtahe zrvânahe akaranahe zrvânahe darekhô-hvadhâtahe.

ashem vohû...!

(kerba mazhd gunâh guzârashni râ kunôm ashahî rvã dushârm râ ham kerbaî i hamâ vahã i haft keshwar zamî zamî pahanâ rôt drânâ hvarshêt bâlâ buñdahihâ bê rasât, ashô bêt dêr zî.)

atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.

ashem vohû...!!

5. Bestow on him riches and good things; bestow health of body, toughness of body, and resistance of body; bestow on him possessions giving abundant ease, future noble offspring, and a lengthy long life; bestow on him the best existence of the Asha-sanctified, the luminous, offering all happy.10
Thus may it come as I wish.
Ashem Vohu....

A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies (3). Ashem Vohu....

Come to my help, O Mazda (3).

To Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, Ahura-created; and to Triumphing Uparatat; and to Raman of good pastures, and to Vayu of superior activity, superior to other creatures. That part of you, Vayu, which belongs to Spenta Mainyu; to self-governed Thwasha, to boundless Zurwan, to Zurwan of the long dominion.

Ashem Vohu....

For the reward of virtue and the forgiveness of sins, I do (deeds of) righteousness for the love of my soul. May all virtuousness of all good ones of the earth of seven climes reach the width of the earth, the length of the rivers, the height of the sun in their original form. May it be righteous, live long. Thus may it come as I wish.

Ashem Vohu...!!

10. This paragraph follows Bailey, op. cit. p. 10.

* Words that are here underlined are omitted while praying for the departed.

Hoshbam (prayer at dawn)


1. atha imã vacô dreñjayôish ýôi anghen vârethrakhnyôtememca baêshazyôtememca, pañca ahuna vairya frasrâvayôish,
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(5).
ahunem vairîm tanûm pâiti,
ýathâ ahû vairyô....
kêm-nâ mazdâ ... nemascâ ýâ ârmaitish îzhâcâ.
ashem vohû....
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(21).
ashem vohû...(12).

2. nemase-tê (hôsh-bâmî)(3).
aêtat dim vîspanãm mazishtem dazdyâi ahûmca ratûmca ýim ahurem mazdãm snathâi angrahe mainyêush drvatô snathâi aêshmahe xrvîm-draosh snathâi mâzainyanãm daêvanãm snathâi vîspanãm daêvanãm varenyanãmca drvatãm.

(vâzh bê guft,)
(shkasta ganâmainyô âharman br lêânat sat hazâr bâr.)

3. fradathâi ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô fradathâi ameshanãm speñtanãm fradathâi tishtryehe stârô raêvatô hvarenanguhatô fradathâi narsh ashaonô fradathâi vîspanãm speñtahe mainyêush dâmanãm ashaonãm.
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).

4. vanghuca vanghåsca âfrînâmi vîspayå ashaonô stôish haithyâica bavãithyâica bûshyãithyâica ashîm râsaiñtîm darekhô-vârethmanem

mishâcim hvô-aiwishâcim
mishâcim âfrasånghaitîm
bareñtîm vîspå baêshazå
apãmca gavãmca urvaranãmca
taurvayeiñtîm vîspå tbaêshå
daêvanãm mashyânãmca
areshyañtãm ahmâica nmânâi
ahmâica nmânahe nmânô-patêe.
vanguhîshca adhå vanguhîshca ashayô hupaurvå vahehîsh aparå râsaiñtîsh darekhô- vârethmanô ýatha-nô mazishtåsca vahishtåsca sraêshtåsca ashayô erenavañte.
ameshanãm speñtanãm ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca fradathâi ahe nmânahe fradathâi vîspayå ashaonô stôish hamistêe vîspayå drvatô stôish, stavas ashâ ýê hudå ýôi heñtî.
vasasca tû ahura-mazda ushtâca xshaêsha havanãm dâmanãm, vasô âpô vasô urvarå vasô vîspa vohû ashacithra xshayamnem ashavanem dâyata axshayamnem drvañtem.
vasô-xshathrô hyât ashava, avasô-xshathrô hyât drvå gatô hamistô nizhberetô haca speñtahe mainyêush dâmabyô varatô avasô-xshathrô.
haxshaya azemcit ýô zarathushtrô fratemã nmânanãmca vîsãmca zañtunãmca dah'yunãmca ainghå daênayå anumatayaêca anuxtayaêca anvarshtayaêca ýâ âhûirish zarathushtrish.

5. ýatha-nô ånghãm shyâtô
manå vahishtô urvãnô
hvâthravaitîsh tanvô heñti
vahishtô anghush âkåscôit
âhûire mazda jaseñtãm.

>> asha vahishta asha sraêshta daresâma thwâ pairi thwâ jamyama hamem thwâ haxma.
ashem vohû.... <<(3)
ahmâi raêshca .... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd...)
atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.
ashem vohû...!!


1. Then thou shalt say those victorious, most healing words; thou shalt chant the Ahunwar five times:
Yatha ahu vairyo... (5).
The Ahunwar protects the body....
Kem na Mazda: "What protector hast thou given..."
Ashem vohu....
Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(21).
Ashem vohu...(12)

2. Homage to you, O Dawn (3).


This is to render Him who is of all the greatest, our lord and master (even) Ahura Mazda. And this to smite the wicked Angra Mainyu, and to smite Aeshma of the bloody spear, and the Mazainya Daevas, and to smite all the wicked Varenya Daevas.

3. And this is to further Ahura Mazda, the resplendent, the glorious, to further the Bountiful Immortals, and the influences of the star Tishtrya, the resplendent, the glorious, (and) to the furtherance of the holy man, and of all the (bountiful and) holy creatures of the Bounteous Spirit.


4. I pray with benedictions for a benefit, and for the good, even for the entire creation of the holy (and the clean); I beseech for them for the (generation which is) now alive, for that which is just coming into life, and for that which shall be hereafter. And (I pray for that) sanctity which leads to prosperity, and which has long afforded shelter, which goes on hand in hand with it, which joins it in its walk, and of itself becoming its close companion as it delivers forth its precepts, bearing every form of healing virtue which comes to us in waters, appertains to cattle, or is found in plants, and overwhelming, all the harmful malice of the Daevas, (and their servants) who might harm this dwelling and its lord, bringing good gifts, and better blessings, given very early, and later (gifts), leading to successes, and for a long time giving shelter. And so the greatest, and the best, and most beautiful benefits of sanctity fall likewise to our lot.
For the sacrifice, homage, propitiation, and the praise of the Bountiful Immortals, for the bringing prosperity to this abode, and for the prosperity of the entire creation of the holy, and the clean, (and as for this, so) for the opposition of the entire evil creation. (And I pray for this) as I praise through Righteousness, I who am beneficent, those who are (likewise of a better mind).


May'st Thou, O Ahura Mazda! reign at Thy will, and with a saving rule over Thine own creatures, and render Ye the holy (man) also a sovereign at his will over waters, and over plants, and over all the clean and sacred (creatures) which contain the seed of Righteousness. Strip ye the wicked of all power!
Absolute in power may the holy be, bereft of all free choice the wicked ! Gone (may he be), met as foe, carried out from the creatures of Spenta Mainyu, hemmed in without power over any wish!
I will incite, even I who am Zarathushtra, the heads of the houses, villages, Zantus, and provinces, to the careful following of this Religion which is that of Ahura, and according to Zarathushtra, in their thoughts, their words, and their deeds.

(Y60.11 seq.:)

5. In order that our minds may be delighted, and our souls the best, let our bodies be glorified as well, and let them; O Mazda! go likewise openly (unto Heaven) as the best world of the saints as devoted to Ahura, and accompanied by Asha Vahishta (who is Righteousness the Best), and the most beautiful! And may we see Thee, and may we, approaching, come around about Thee, and attain to entire companionship with Thee!
Ashem Vohu...(3).
Bestow on him riches...
Ashem Vohu...!!


Doa Tan-Dorostri (blessing)

  Pazand English11 NOTES:

11. Translation from Boyce, Textual Sources, pp. 59-60.
  ba nãm i ýazad i baxshâyañdeh i baxshâyashgar i meherbãn. In the name of God, the bestower, the giver, the benevolent!
  ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). Yatha ahu vairyo...(2).
  tan-darôstî dêr-zîvashnî âwâyat hvareh hañgat ashahîdâr ýazdãn i mînôyãn ýazdãn i gethyãn haft amshâspañdãn myazd rôshan hamê bê-rasât. May there be health and long life, complete Glory giving righteousness! May the visible yazads and the invisible yazads and the seven Amashaspands come to this fair offering.
  în dôâyãn bât, în hvahâyãn bât, hame añdar kasãn ra zartôshtî dîn shât bât, êdûn bât. ýâbârî hvadâ hvadâ-vañd12 i âlam râ hamâ hañjaman râ May this household be happy, may there be blessing! May there be happiness among the people of the religion of Zartosht! We beseech you, Lord, to grant to the present ruler, to all the community, and to all those of the Good Religion, health and fair repute. 12. qodavand
  ((Insert title:) Behdin/Ervad/Osta/Osti N.13 -râ) bâ farzañdãn14 hazâr sâl dêr bê-dâr u shat bê-dâr u tan-darost bê-dâr u êdûn bê dâr bar sar i arzânyãn sâlhâ i bîsyâr u karanhâ i bîshumâr bâkî u pâyañde dâr sat15 hazârãn hazâr âfrîn bât. May so-and-so, [and his wife (or, her husband), and children] live for a thousand years! Keep them long happy, long healthy, long just! Keep them thus, keep them caring for the deserving! Keep them living and abiding for many years and countless hours! A hundred thousand thousand blessings upon them! 13. Here name the person or persons to be blessed. "If the recital is for a Behdin, prefix the word Behdin before the name of both man and woman; if a member of the priestly class use the word 'Ervad' before his name if he has gone through the Navar ceremony, otherwise prefix the word 'Osta' to his name. Before the name of a woman from a priestly class use the word 'Osti'." Khordeh Avesta (in Roman script) 9 Yasht, Union Press, Bombay, 1982 - p. 321.

14. The last two words are omitted in Antia.

15. Kanga & Sontakke, p. 324.
  sâl hvacasta bât. rôz farrohv bât mâh mubârak16 bât. cañdin sâl cañdin rôz cañdin mâh May the year be auspicious, the day fortunate, the month propitious in all these years and days and months! 16. Mobed Firouz Azargoshab's Khordah Avesta, p. 22 reads "farhkondah."
bîsyâr sâl arzãnîdâr ýazashne u nyâishne u râdî u zôr barashne ashahîdâr awarê hamâ kâr u kerfehâ tan-darôstî bât nêkî bât h'ub bât. For many years keep them worthy to perform worship and utter prayers, to give charity and offerings, being just. May they have health to fulfill all their duties! May they be liberal, kind and good!
êdûn bât.17 êdûntarac bât. pa ýazdãn u ameshâspañdãn kãme bât. May it be so, may it be more so, may it be according to the wish of the Yazads and the Ameshaspands! 17. Antia ends at this point.
ashem vohû... Ashem vohu....

Patet Pashemani (prayer of repentance)

  Pazand English NOTES:

Text from Antia, Pazand Texts, pp. 118-125.

0. ýathâ ahû vairyô pañj ezh hamâ gunâh patita pashêmânôm az har wistîn dushmata duzhhûxta duzhhvreshta mem pa gêthî manît pêsh shumâ vihãn manishnî gawishnî kunishnî tanî ruãnî gêthî mainyvãnî aoxi awâxsh pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî papatita hôm ýathâ ahû vairyô.... (5). ashem vohû....(3)

frâvarâne ... (gah) ... frasastayaeca

sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanum&thrahe darshi draosh âhûiryehe.

xshnaotha ... vîdhvå mraotû, ýathâ ahû vairyô....


1. frâj stâim harawista humata hûxta hvareshta pa manishni gavishni kunishni avâj stâym haravista dushmata duzh-hûxta duzh-hvareshta ezh manishni gawishni kunishni, avar-gîrashnî dahôm hamawista humata hûxta hvareshta, pa manishni gavishni kunishni ku kereba kunem, bahilashnî dahôm harvista dushmata duzhhûxta duzhhvareshta ezh manishni gawishni kunishni ku gunâh ne kunam frâj ôi shumâra diham kê ameshâspeñt hêt, izishni u nyâishni, frâj pa manishni frâj pa gavishni, frâj pa kunishni, frâj pa ôiha, frâj pa tan, frâj pa ãnica ýim h'aêsha zãm, tan u jãn nãmi ruãn. bun bar h'âsta în hasta, pa h'êsh ýazdãn dâr hôm. pa h'êsh ýazdãn dâsten ê bahôt ku agar thash azãn rast, kê în tar rvãn râ ba-âwâyat dâdhen bêdahm astâym ashahî pahilem, nigônem dêvãn. pa nêkî dâdhâr hôrmezda sepâs dâr hôm. pa patyâr anâî ezh ganâ-mainyô avar mat, ômêt rastâxezh-râ padish h'uraseñt ham-dâstãn hôm. dîn hôrmezda dât zarathushtra, rastay frâtvn, karat paoirô-tkaêshãn pa dastûr dâr hôm. ãn jâdarâ ezh gunâh pa patita hôm pa patita hôm ezh gunâh.


2. ku mardumã u bun shâyat bûtan ayå man ô bun bût êstet, pes ô hacir añdâ, pes ô cihir pesh, ýat-shãn añdar jasta êstat, aj se sraoshô-jaranãm gunâh, ezh ãnî tum gunâh añda hazârã hazâr maragarzãn añda ceñda geush hasta shâyat bûdan, pa nãma cista, harvista dushmat duzhhûxta duzhhûareshta, mem parâhi kasã-râ, ayå kasã pa râhi man-râ, ayå gunâh-kârî pa men-râ kashô gunâh, ô bun bût êstat, ezh ãn gunahyâ manishnî gawishnî kunishnî tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî papatita hôm; papatita hôm ezh gunâh.


3. în añdha âxô pâê gunâh nãm; cûn hañdaraxta, maidhyô-sâsta, añdaraz-framãn, buaidhyô-jat, kaidhyô-jat, âgerefta gunâh, avâvareshta gunâh, ardus gunâh, h'arahe gunâh, bâbâi gunâh, yâtu gunâh, tanvalgãn gunâh, maragarzãn gunâh, aiwisôs garãn gunâh, jihir mazda gunâ, dashtãn marza gunâh, kun maraza gunâh, avârûn marzashnî, shathra gunâh shasnî, gunâhi ruãnî, gunâh hamê mâlãn, gunâhîôi ful shhôt, vaxshê vaxshãn vaxshê gunâh, gunâh ezh gunâh, avarê âxo gunâ, ku maradhumãn ô bun shâyat bûten gajista ganâmainyô darvañt papatyâr dâmãn hôrmezda frâzh karnît.


hôrmezda h'odhâi gunâh añdar dîn paidhâ bê-kirt, guhãn paoiryô-tkaêshãn gunâh dâsht êstat. manishnî pêsh dâdhâr hôrmedza mainyã gaithyãn mihesta pêsh amêshâspeñdãn, pêsh mihir srôsh rashni, pêsh âtash barsma hôm, pêsh dîn ruãn h'êsh, pêsh rat dastûr dînî, pêsh ôi gwah mat êstat, azh ãn gunâh manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm; pa patita hôm azh gunâh.


4. añdar pit mât h'uh birât, zan frazañt, shûî sâlâr, h'aêsh nazdîk, ham-gêhãnyãn, ham-h'âstagãn, hamsâigãn, ham-shahiryãn, pa irimãnyãn, jasta pa har adhâdye, cûn men añdar gunâh kâr bût êsta hôm ezh ãn gunâh manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm; pa patita hôm; ezh gunâ.


5. hihir u nasâ h'urishnî, hihir u nasâ jôishnî hihir u nasâ ôi âv âtash burden, ayå âv âtash hihir u nasâ burden, avistâ pa ci manishnî nê guftan, mûî nâxûn dañdãn frêsh, dasta shavî, u avar harci padar hihir nasâ. cun man añdar gunâhgâr bût êstat hôm, ezh ãn gunâh manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm; pa patita hôm ezh gunâh.


6. ku kãmi dâdhâr hôrmezda bût, uim âvâyast manîdhen, uim ni manît; uim âvâyast guftan, uim na gufta; uim âvâyast kardan, uim ni kard; ezh ãn gunâh manashnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm; pa patita hôm ezh gunâh.


7. ku kãmi âhâreman bût, uim nê-âwâyast manîdan, uim manît, uim nê-awâyast guftan, uim guft, uim nê-âwâyast karden, uim kard: ezh ãn gunâh manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm; pa patita hôm ezh gunâh.


8. ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh har âin margarzãn, har âin frôt mãd, har âin mânît, har âin gunâh ezh gunâh, uim añdar, hôrmezd mardum, mardum sardagã jasta, pa patita hôm.


(ii) ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh, har âin margarzãn, har âin frôt mãt, har âin mânît, har âin gunâh ezh gunâh, uim añdar, bahman gâu, gôspeñt, gôspeñt sardagã jasta, pa patita hom.


(iii) ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh har âin margarzãn, har âin frôt mãt, har âin mânît, har âin gunâh ezh gunâh, uim añdar, ardaibahishta, âtash, âtash sardagã jasta, pa patita hôm.


(iv) ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh, har âin margarazãn, har âin frôt mãt, har âin mânît, har âin gunâh, ezh gunâh, uim añdar shaharevar, ayaoxshasta, ayaoxshast sardagã jasta, pa patita hôm.


(v) ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh, har âin margarzãn, har âin frôt mãt, har âin mânît, har âin gunâh ezh gunâh, uim añdar, aspeñdârmat zamîn, zamîn sardagã jasta, pa patita hôm.


(vi) ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh, har âin margarzãn, har âin frôt mãt, har âin mânît, har âin gunâ ezh gunâ, uim añdar, h'urdât âu, âu tuxmagã jasta, pa patita hôm.


(vii) ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh, har âin margarazãn, har âin frôt mãt, har âin mânît, har âin gunâh ezh gunâh, uim añdar, ameredât urvar, urvar sardagã jasta, pa patita hôm.


(viii) ezh hamôîn har âin gunâh, har âin margarzãn, har âin frôt mãt, har âin mânît, har âin gunâh ezh gunâh, uim añdar, dãmi hôrmezda jast cûn star, mâh u h'arshêt, âtash suhar sôzâ, sag, vae, gôspeñt pañj âin, avarê gwahe dahisnãn în hôrmezda h'êsh, cûn añdarg zamîn âsmãn cun man añdar gunâh kâr bût êstat hôm ezh ã gunâh manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm pa patita hôm. ezh gunâh.


9. star shikashnî, h'aetûô datha vasô-vashnî, dûdaî vahã vasô-vasnî, gahañbâr, farvardyãn, hûm darûn, hush frît ýazdã nihât u pidîrafta, rapithwan fradum, rôz gudardagã, cûn man âvâyast ýashtan, uim nê ýashta, ezh ã gunâh manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm; pa patita hôm ezh gunâh.


10. avar manashnî, tar manishnî, azûrî, pañdî, xshmaganî, arashganî, vat-cashmî, sôr-cashmî vat-nigarashnî, h'urdaka-nigarashnî, nigêrâî, pañdî, h'ût-shahî, ashagahinî, spôzh-gârî, varanî, gumânî, âsmôî, zuru-guâhî, darôkh-dâvarî, az-dêv parastî, kushât duârishnî, barhina duârishnî, êmôka duârishnî, darâiã-jôishnî, darâiã-h'urashnî, duzdî, gadhî, jahî, jâdvî, jâdû-parastî, rôspî, rôspa bârahî, gawahe paiti, gawahê vanîdaî, shîn-môi, avarê har âin gunâh, ô pa în paititî xshumarda, ãn nê-xshumarda, ãni dânista, ãni nê dânista, ãni añkart, ãni nê-añkart, seraoshâdâ varzyhâ pêsh rat dastûr dînî âwâyast gûrazîdan, uim nê-gûrazît, ezh ã gunâh manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm; pa patita hôm ezh gunâh.


11. ku agar kasã paititî pidîrafta hôm, uim nê-karda hôm, êshã ruã-râ dush-h'uârî mat. hêt shã jâdharâ, har ýak jut jut-râ, manishnî gawishnî kunishnî, tanî ruãnî gêthî minvãnî, oxi avâxsha pashêmãn pa sê gawishnî pa patita hôm: pa patita hôm, ezh gunâh.


12. pa ã dîn dastûr êstahôm, în hôrmezda zarathushtra câshta, zarathushtra gushtâspa. pa paivañt âdarbât bin mârspeñdãn mat. padash pasâxta karda buxta. ashahî vahi ruãn dushârm-râ âvâisnîm-tar vahi-ashhî hôm. pa jîvañdî jã astvã hôm hamata pa manishni, âstvã hôm hûxta pa gaveshni, âstvã hôm hvareshta pa kunishni, âstvã hôm pa gawhidîn mâazdayasnãn, hamâ kerebayâ hamdâstã hôm ezh hamâ gunâhyâ jût-dâistã hôm. pa nekî sipâs-dâr hôm; ezh anâî h'urasañt hôm pul pâdhafrâh bañd drvsh, tujishni tâvã dîn pâdafrâh sê shaw pañjâh hafta sâl, padash h'uresañt ham-dâstã hôm. uim karda-hôm în paititî, guzarg aomêt kerebarâ, girãn bîm dôzhx-râ. ashahî vahe ruãn dushârm-râ: pa manishni karda-hôm. ku kâr kereba manemdânû karta, ã ci nû kunôm, hamâ êstishnî kerebarâ guzârashnî gunâh-râ buxtî rvã-râ. agar mãdae bahôt, ku gunâh men tauxta nê-bahôt, pâdafrâh sê shab âinahyâ padhash h'araseñda ham-dâstã hôm. hamê framâim ashem vôhû bê gudîrashnî, paititî pas azh bêhgudîrashnî pas gudarda men, men jâdarâ ezh gunâh pa patita bahut. sêdaesh gaêtufrît framâyat framûdâr h'âishnî hama dâistã hôm; hôrmezda h'êsh hôm, hôrmezda dahmânî kunôm, ashahî stâim uim gerefta hôm harvista humata hûxta hvarshta, pa manishni gawishni kunishni. bahulasta dahôm harvista dushmata duzhhûxta duzhhvarsheta, ezh manishni gawishni kunishni. uim gerefta hôm harvista humata hûxta hvareshta. pa manishni gawishni kunishni. bahilast dahôm harvista dush-mata duzhhûxta duzhhvareshta, ezh manishni gawishni kunishni, uim gerefta hôm harvista humata hûxta hvareshta. pa manishni gawishni kunishni, bahilasta dahôm harvista dushmata duzhhûxta duzhhvareshta, ezh manishni gawishni kunishni uem gerefta hôm harvista râh rastaî frârûn; bahilasta dahôm harwista râh arastî awârû; gana shkast, hôrmezda bihi awazûn;

staomi ashem, ashem vohû....


ferastuye humatôibyascâ huxtôibyascâ hvarshtôibyascâ, mânthwôi­byascâ vaxedhwôibyascâ varshtvôibyascâ. aibi-gairyâ daithe vispâ humatâcâ huxtâcâ hvarshtâcâ. paiti-ricyâ daithe vispâ dushmatâcâ duzhuxtâcâ duzhvarshtâcâ.


ferâ vê râhî ameshâ speñtâ ýasnemcâ vahmemcâ ferâ mananghâ ferâ vacanghâ ferâ shyaothanâ ferâ anghuyâ ferâ tanvascît xvah'yå ushtanem.

staomî ashem, ashem vohû....

ýathâ ahû vairyô....(21) ashem vohû....(12) ýathâ ahû vairyô....(2) ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi,

sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanum&thrahe darshi draosh âhûiryehe.

ashem vohû....

ahmâi raêshca .... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... kerba mazhd.... ashem vohû....