AVESTA: Concise dictionary — ABBREVIATIONS:

[] base or root form
[-] this is the base or root form
1/3 1st person plural
3/1 3rd person singular
A Accusative
Abl Ablative
act. active (= Parasmaipada)
adj. adjective
adv. adverb
ahm Gershevitch Ilya and Karl F Geldner. The Avestan Hymn to Mithra. University Press 1959.
aor aorist
Atm. Atmanepada - middle
B. Bartholomae, Christian. Altiranisches Wörterbuch; Zusammen Mit Den Nacharbeiten Und Vorarbeiten. W. De Gruyter 1979.
ben. benedictive mood
Bha. Bharucha
caus. causative
compar. comparative
conj. conjunction
D Dative
decl. declension
dem. demonstrative
des. desiderative
du dual
encl. enclitic
f. feminine gender
fut. future
G Genetive
GAv Gathic Avestan dialect
Herb. Herbadastan, ed. Kreyenbroeck & Kotwal
Hum Humbach
HZI Mary Boyce, History of Zoroastrianism, vol I.
I Instrumental
imp. imperative mood
impf. imperfect
ind. indicative
inf. infinitive
inj. injunctive
interr. interrogative
J Jackson, Avesta Grammar
jAR Jackson, Avesta Reader
k Kavasji Edalji Kanga, A Complete Dictionary of the Avesta Language, Bombay, 1900
L Locative
lit. literally
m. masculine gender
mal. Malandra, William W. Introduction to Ancient Iranian Religion: Readings from the Avesta and the Achaemenid Inscriptions. University of Minnesota Press, 1983.
mid. middle (= Atmanepada)
mn. mnemonic
N Nominative
n. neuter gender
num. numeral
obj. object
opt. optative
part. participle
parasm. parasmaipada (=active)
pass. passive
perf. perfect
pers. person, personal
Pl. plural
poss. possessive
pot. potential mood
pr. n. proper noun
pred. predicative
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
pres. present tense
pret. preterite
pron. pronoun
rt. root
Sg. singular
subj. subjunctive mood
superl. superlative
them. thematic
trad. traditional
V Vocative
v. verb, verbal
StdAv Standard Avestan dialect (sometimes called "Younger" Avestan)