Zoroastrian Rituals:

Afrinagan of Mino Nawar

1. ýathâ ahû vairyô ...(7).
ashem vohû ...(3).
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô
1. Yatha Ahu Vairyo ...(7).
Ashem Vohu ...(3).
I profess myself a Mazda-worshipper, a follower of Zarathushtra, opposing the Daevas, accepting the Ahuric doctrine.
(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)
[rathwãm ayaranãmca asnyanãmca mâhyanãmca ýâiryanãmca saredhamãmca ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca. [1]]

[1. This verse is added in Nirangistan.]

[For worship, adoration, propitiation and praise of the masters of the daylight, and the day, and the months, and the seasons, and the years.]
ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô ameshanãm speñtanãm. xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, With propitiation of Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things, and the Amesha Spentas, for worship, adoration, propitiation, and praise.
(zôt,) ýathâ ahû vairyô, zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê,
(râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô, ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê,
(zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca, frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû!
'Yatha Ahu Vairyo', the zaotar should say to me
'Yatha Ahu Vairyo', he who is the zaotar should say to me
'Atha ratush ashatchit hacha', the Asha-sanctified knowing one should say.
(Both priests:)
2. ahurem mazdãm ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide hudhånghem mazishtem ýazatem ýim sevishtem frâdat- gaêthem dâtârem vohunãm dâmanãm, âbyô râtâbyô zaothrâbyô arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô vîspemca ashavanem mainyaom ýazatem ýazamaide. 2. We worship Ahura Mazda, Asha-sanctified, the master of Asha, well perceiving, the greatest Yazata, who is also the most beneficent, world- promoting, the creator of good creatures; we worship him with these offered Zaothras, and with these rightly spoken prayers; and we worship all Asha- sanctified spiritual Yazatas.
3. zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, âbyô râtâbyô zaothrâbyô arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô vîspemca ashavanem gaêthîm ýazatem ýazamaide, zarathushtrahe ashaonô fravashîm ýazamaide, zarathushtrahe sravå ýazamaide, zarathushtrahe daênãm ýazamaide, zarathushtrahe varenemca tkaêshemca ýazamaide! 3. We worship Zarathushtra, Asha-sanctified, the master of Asha; we worship him with these offered Zaothras, and with these rightly spoken prayers; and we worship all Asha-sanctified Yazatas of the world. We worship the Asha- sanctified fravashi of Zarathushtra. We worship the words of Zarathushtra. We worship the religion of Zarathushtra. We worship the beliefs and the doctrines of Zarathushtra.
4. anghuyaosh ashacinanghô paurvå dâtå dâmãn ashaonîsh, dathushô ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô ýazamaide, vohu manô ýazamaide, ashem vahishtem ýazamaide, xshathrem vairîm ýazamaide, speñtãm vanguhîm ârmaitîm ýazamaide, haurvatâtem ýazamaide, ameretatâtem ýazamaide. 4. We worship the Asha-sanctified creation which was the first created. We worship the creator Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things. We worship Vohu Manah. We worship the Highest Asha. We worship Khshathra Vairya. We worship the good Holy Armaiti. We worship Haurvatat. We worship Ameretat.
5. dadhvånghem ahurem mazdãm ýazamaide, âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide, âpô vanguhîsh mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh ýazamaide, hvarexshêtem aurvat-aspem ýazamaide, månghem gaocithrem ýazamaide, tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide, gêush hudhånghô urvânem ýazamaide. 5. We worship the creator Ahura Mazda. We worship Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda. We worship the good Asha-sanctified waters made by Mazda. We worship the swift-horsed Sun. We worship the Moon which contains the seed of the bull. We worship Tishtrya, the star, rich, possessing good things. We worship the soul of the bounteous Cow.
6. dadhvånghem ahurem mazdãm ýazamaide, mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide, sraoshem ashîm ýazamaide, rashnûm razishtem ýazamaide, ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide, verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, râma hvâstrem ýazamaide, vâtem speñtem hudhånghem ýazamaide. 6. We worship the creator Ahura Mazda. We worship Mithra of wide pastures. We worship Sraosha, companion of Ashi. We worship the straightest Rashnu. We worship the Asha-sanctified, good, powerful, holy fravashis. We worship Verethraghna, created by Ahura. We worship Raman of good pastures. We worship the beneficent wind, fair of form.
7. dadhvånghem ahurem mazdãm ýazamaide, daênãm vanguhîm mâzdayasnîm ýazamaide, ashîm vanguhîm ýazamaide, arshtâtem ýazamaide, asmanem ýazamaide, zãm hudhånghem ýazamaide, mãthrem speñtem ýazamaide, anakhra raocå hvadhâtå ýazamaide! 7. We worship the creator Ahura Mazda. We worship the good religion of Mazda-worshippers. We worship Ashi Vanguhi. We worship Ashtad. We worship Asman. We worship the bounteous Earth. We worship the Holy Manthra. We worship the self-governed, endless Lights.
8. hvanvaitîsh ashahe verezô ýazamaide ýâhu iristanãm urvãnô shâyeñti ýå ashâunãm fravashayô, vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm ýazamaide raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem. 8. We worship the sunny dwelling of Asha in which the souls of the dead rest, who are the fravashis of the Asha-sanctified, the best existence of the Asha-sanctified, shining, and all-blissful.
9. xshvîdha âzûiti ýazamaide tacat-âpa uxshyat-urvara âzôish daêvô-dâtahe hamôistri avainghå mûsh avainghå pairikayâi paitishtâtayaêca paitiscaptayaêca paititaretayaêca paityaoget-tbaêshahyâica ashemaokhaheca anashaonô sâstraheca pouru-mahrkahe! 9. We worship the two, the milk and the oil, which make the waters flow, and the plants grow, suppressing the Daeva-made Azi; overcoming and suppressing the Mush, the witch, and subduing and turning back the fiendish heretic, full of malice, and the tyrant, void of Asha, and full of death.
10. ýazamaide vîspå âpô ýazamaide vîspå urvarå, ýazamaide vîspå vanghavô ýazamaide vîspå vanguhîsh, ýazamaide vîspå mainyavaca ýazata gaêthyâica ýôi vanghudhånghô ashavanô. 10. We worship all waters, all plants, all good men and women, all celestial and terrestrial Yazatas, who bestow goodness, and who are Asha-sanctified.
11 ýazamaide thwãm maêthanem ýãm ârmaitîm speñtãm, ýazamaide thwãm maêthanahe paiti ashâum ahura mazda drvafshaosh drvô-vîrahe drva-ashacithrahe ýahmi zî kâcit tanunãm drâjishtem hâme maêthaine mithnât at hama at zayene! 11. We worship you, o Holy Armaiti, (the earth) where we dwell. We pray to you, o Asha-sanctified Ahura Mazda, in these dwellings of healthy livestock and people, the offspring of Asha, namely, in these same dwellings of every person, staying as much as possible both in summer and in the winter.
ashem vohû .... Ashem Vohu ....
(The Zoti picks up two flowers from the base of the fire urn. He holds the flower from the left side in his right hand and passes the other to the Raspi who also holds it in his right hand.)


12. (râspî,)
ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô
(zôt u râspî,)
âfrînâmi xshathrayâne dainghu-paiti uparâi amâi uparâi verethrâi uparâi xshathrâi xshathremca paiti-astîmca darekhô-xshathrem xshathrahe darekhô-jîtîm ushtânahe drvatâtem tanubyô,
12. To Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things. Blessings on the rulers of the land, for greater strength, greater victory, greater rule, greater sovereignty, compassion, long rule, enduring physical vitality, and health.
13. amem hutashtem huraodhem verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem pouru-spaxshtîm tbishyañtãm paiti-jaitîm dushmainyunãm hathrânivâitîm hamerethanãm aurvathanãm tbishyañtãm. 13. (Blessings) to Ama, well-built, fair of form, to Verethraghna, made by Ahura, and to the triumphing Uparatat, completely repelling malice, completely conquering the hostile malicious adversary with a blow.
14. âfrînâmi vavanvå vanat-peshene buye vîspem aurvathem tbishyañtem vîspem akhem tbishyañtem arathwyô-mananghem arathwyô-vacanghem arathwyô-shyaothnem. 14. Blessings so that he may be winner of the battle, victorious over every malicious adversary, over every evil adversary, faulty in thoughts, words and deeds.
15. vavane buye rathwya manangha rathwya vacangha rathwya shyaothna nijane buye vîspe dushmainyû vîspe daêvayasnê zaze buye vanghâuca mizhde vanghâuca sravahe urunaêca darekhe havanghe. 15. (Blessings) that he may be victorious through timely thoughts, words, and deeds; to suppress all the evil-minded, and all Daeva-worshippers, so as to attain to good reward, and to good renown, and to long happiness of my soul.
16. âfrînâmi, darekhem jva ushta jva avanghe narãm ashaonãm ãzanghe duzhvarshtâ-varezãm vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem, atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi. 16. Blessings for long life, for the desired life, for the service of Asha- sanctified people, and for the disservice of ill done deeds - the best existence of the Asha-sanctified, the luminous, offering all blissful. Thus may it come as I wish.
(The priests then exchange their flowers. They touch the ground)

(During the first recital of the following verse, the Zoti picks up the three flowers from the right side, one by one, beginning from above and hands them to the Raspi who stands to the right of the Zoti. During the second recital, the Zoti picks up the three flowers from the left hand side beginning from below and hands them to the Raspi who stands to the left of the Zoti.)


> humatanãm hûxtanãm hvarshtanãm yadacâ anyadacâ verezyamnanãmcâ vâverezananãmcâ mahî aibî-jaretârô naênaêstârô ýathanâ vohunãm mahî < (2). We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. Thus we glorify and invoke all that is good (2).
(Recite silently:)
pashûtan gushtâspâ vohû gûdhan h'âhem bê-rasat. bê-padhîrât daraftât mahmã bât ageni asho bêt dêr zî h'âhem bê-rasat. I yearn for good mind. May Peshotan son on Gushtasp come to my aid, may he accept my prayers, may he shine for me. Thus may the holy attain long life and may their desires be fulfilled.
(The Raspi hands the ladle to the Zoti. Both Priests recite aloud. While reciting "yatha ahu vairyo..." the Zoti touches the water vessel at the North, South, East, and West, respectively.)
ýathâ ahû vairyô.... Yatha Ahu Vairyo....
(While reciting "ashem vohu..." the Zoti touches the water vessel at the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest, respectively.)
ashem vohû...! Ashem Vohu...!
(The Raspi returns all flowers to the Zoti who places them on one side in the tray.)
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(2).
ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô ameshanãm speñtanãm. I desire worship and adoration and strength and force for Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things, and for the Amesha Spentas.
ashem vohû .... Ashem Vohu ....
(The priests greet each other with a ritual handshake while quietly reciting:)
hamâzor hamâ ashô bêt. May we all be one in Asha.
(Priests recite aloud:)
atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi, Thus may it come as I wish.
humatanãm hûxtanãm hvarshtanãm yadacâ anyadacâ verezyamnanãmcâ vâverezananãmcâ mahî aibî-jaretârô naênaêstârô ýathanâ vohunãm mahî!! We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. Thus we glorify and invoke all that is good.

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